Friday, July 10, 2009

How to Listen to your Podcasts in Order

Ever wished you could listen to your podcasts from oldest to newest without stopping? Here is a great tip to make a self updating playlist, that will arrange and auto-play all your podcasts from oldest to newest.

1. Ensure Shuffle is Off - Navigate to 'Settings', then to 'Shuffle', then 'Off'.
-> This affects the Auto-Play All.

2. Attach your Ipod to your Computer and Navigate to your ipods 'Podcast' section.

3. With the ipod 'Podcasts' highlighted, navigate up to itunes Main Menu Bar and Choose 'File.'
4. From the 'File' Menu, Choose 'New Smart Playlist'

5. Once the Smart Playlist box opens check 'Match the Following Rule,' then from the first drop-down box, choose 'Album' - then 'contains' - then type the exact name of the podcast. To end, ensure 'Live Updating' is checked. Then press 'OK'

6. A new playlist will appear in your ipods Menu - Navigate to the playlist. You should see all the selected podcasts that your specified.

7. Once in your new playlist, navigate to the Column titles [Name, Time, Artist, etc.] and right click. A column list will appear with column choices for you to pick from. For the average podcast listener some of the default choices are not necessary. Like 'Rating' and 'Play Count'.

8. Choose the Columns you wish to see and then add column 'Release Date'.

9. A 'Release Date' column will appear. Navigate to the 'Release Date' column and click it. An arrow will appear- the up arrow will arrange your podcasts from oldest to newest.

10. To listen to your newly arranged podcasts you must play the podcast playlist. Instead of navigating to your 'Podcasts' menu, you will now navigate to the podcast playlist, located in the 'Playlist' Menu.

Note: If your podcasts are not showing up in the smart playlist, ensure you choose 'Album' not the default 'Artist'. This is usually the reason for a blank playlist.